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My Sunday in Pictures

I recently gifted myself a new camera. I love it! So, you maybe seeing more photos around these parts.
early morning snow
fresh squeezed orange juice
a cute kitty in my seat
spread out on the floor, working on the TKGA Master Knitters Program
afternoon snow
fresh gluten free sandwich bread
I couldn't resist a little snack.
And now, back to knitting!


  1. Snap snap
    click click
    knit now
    do you pick
    or flick?
    get gauge
    swatch a style
    snap a shot
    and post
    with a smile

  2. "gluten free sandwich bread"? recipe? glad you bought a camera because I love photographs!

    1. I love photographs too! :)

      Here's the recipe I used.

      I used rice milk instead of water and dry milk powder, and I used brown rice flour instead of the blend of 3 different flours. I also added ground flax seeds, because I have a ton of it on hand… 

      The next time I make this, I think I'll add some psillium husk powder to it to help make it less crumbly. It's not bad as-is, but like the flax meal, I have a TON of psillium husks to use up, and it wouldn't hurt this recipe, I don't think.

  3. I love spending the day just the way you have! Thanks for sharing...I love this post!

    1. It's been a great, relaxing day! I'm happy to share. I hope the rest of your day is wonderful. :)


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! I love hearing what you have to say!